Honored to be recognised as one of the top 10 authors in the field of educational robotics for over 5 decades globally based on citations, and total link strengths in the recent publication “Dou, A., Xu, W., & Feng, Y. (2024). A Visualized Exploration of Educational Robotics Over Five Decades. International Journal of Technology and Human […]
on educational robotics solutions…
excerpt from our new joint publication by INBOTS project partners:“…Regarding the education-oriented solutions, especially thoseincorporating the making culture (“make your own robots”), futureresearch should focus on longitudinal surveys that examine thelong-term impact of these solutions on the younger generationin terms of the demystification of, familiarization with, andacceptance of robots. Such a research direction would also […]
Emerging pedagogies & technologies in educational robotics: towards a paradigm shift
invited talk @EPFL CHILI LAB Dec 9, 2022
Technologies for an inclusive robotics education
new article in Open Research Europe open access
Maker education: towards a new paradigm in education
presentation in the ASSESSMAKE21 training course: Innovative digital solutions to assess 21st century skills in makerspaces click here
new chapter on “Educational Robotics for STEM: A Review of Technologies and Some Educational Considerations”
coming from our work in Inbots CSA Project is now published: Sapounidis, T., & Alimisis, D. (2020). Educational Robotics for STEM:A Review of Technologies and Some Educational Considerations. In L.Leite, E. Oldham, A. Afonso, V. Floriano, L. Dourado, & M. H. Martinho (Eds.), Science and Mathematics Education for 21st Century Citizens:Challenges and Ways Forward (pp. 167–190). Nova […]
Edurobotics 2020 International Conference
the conference goes online Feb 25-26 2021 website
Remotely Controlling DIY Robots with AI Flavor, new chapter in book…
Dimitrios Loukatos, Ken Kahn, Dimitris Alimisis (2020) Flexible Techniques for Fast Developing and Remotely Controlling DIY Robots, with AI Flavor In Moro, M., Alimisis, D., Iocchi, L. (Eds.) (2020), Educational Robotics in the Context of the Maker Movement, Spinger, pp. 175-189
Making Culture in Teacher Education, new chapter in book…
Rene Alimisi, Dimitris Loukatos, Emmanouil Zoulias, Dimitris Alimisis Introducing the Making Culture in Teacher Education: The eCraft2Learn Project, In Moro, M., Alimisis, D., Iocchi, L. (Eds.) (2020), Educational Robotics in the Context of the Maker Movement, Spinger pp. 27-41